WRJC 2011
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Benedikt Sobotka’s biography

Benedikt Sobotka is CEO of Eurasian Resources Group (ERG), a leading diversified natural resources group. ERG is represented by more than 85,000 employees globally and is one of the largest employers in the metals and mining sector.  

Benedikt graduated from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, and also studied at the Rotterdam School of Management, Moscow Finance Academy, and CEIBS Shanghai.

Benedikt Sobotka’s biography

Early career

Prior to his appointment as CEO of Eurasian Resources Group, Benedikt held multiple managerial positions at Boston Consulting Group. He spent eight years with the company, working in Germany, the UK, Russia, and South Africa as part of their Natural Resources Practice.

In 2011, he founded Bryanston Resources, an advisory commodities firm.

  • He also founded two other start-ups- Advanced Membrane Systems, a nano-filtration company in the Cleantech sector, 

  • and Minerals Value Service, a big data analytics company, which was acquired by Platts /Dow Jones in 2015.

Eurasian Resources Group and the World Economic Forum

Benedikt Sobotka developed a strategic cooperation between ERG and the World Economic Forum. ERG has become a strategic partner associate of the Forum. In 2017, ERG also helped to found the World Economic Forum’s Global Battery Alliance, of which Benedikt is a co-chair.  

ERG is also a member of the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI). Eurasian Resources Group cooperates with PACI within the Future Trust and Integrity Project. 

Benedikt Sobotka’s leadership at Eurasian Resources Group

In January 2014, Sobotka was appointed CEO of Eurasian Resources Group. 

Since Sobotka’s appointment, ERG has recorded major strides in its corporate governance and compliance practices. Eurasian Resources Group developed strong cooperation with its Chinese partners in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Central Africa, and Brazil as part of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Eurasian Resources Group respects the interests of communities in which it operates. Under Sobotka’s leadership, business ethics has become an increasingly crucial aspect of the company’s business model.

More about Benedikt Sobotka

Benedikt Sobotka is a member of the Governors Steering Committee for the Mining and Metals community at the World Economic Forum and a co-chair of The Next Generation of Leaders programme aimed at ensuring sustainable development in the metals and mining industry. 

Benedikt is a co-author of “China Champions”, a Financial Times publication, published in 2012. 

He speaks six languages: English, Russian, German, French, Spanish, and basic Chinese.