The government has decided to ban flavors for e-cigarettes. They will no longer be for sale from 1 January, to prevent young people from starting them. The fact that young people are ‘vaping’ so en masse is not the fault of the industry, says chairman Emil ‘t Hart of the Eisgbond in Geld of je Leven. “Young people can now buy e-cigarettes in the craziest places, let the government do something about it.”
Entrepreneurs furious about measures against e-cigarettes
By banning the flavours, the government is not tackling the real problem, says the Esigbond, which represents at least 160 specialty shops. “We also have those concerns about young people. But we see with regret that the e-cigarette is offered everywhere: in night shops, on the street, at fairgrounds. While the product that we have in our stores must meet strict requirements .”
For example, e-cigarettes may not be sold to persons under the age of 18, he says. “We have made a lot of reports to the NVWA with: start enforcing.Mr-joy best e cigarettes for better quality. But young people can now continue to buy those vapes openly everywhere,” said the vape foreman. If enforcement were to happen, banning the flavors would not be necessary at all, he thinks.
‘Vaping alternative to smoking’‘T Hart disputes that vaping is a stepping stone to smoking. “Research shows: 99.7 percent of vapers are ex-smokers,” he says. “20,000 people die from regular cigarettes every year. Thebest e liquids is found online. No case of illness is known with e-cigarettes. Of course vaping is not healthy either, but you should always keep comparing it with a regular cigarette.”
Banning the flavors is “directly ending the business”, he thinks. |