WRJC 2011
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This is how an algae bioreactor is made

An algae bioreactor is a device that produces algae. When you think of algae you immediately think negative, but algae can also be good for something, according to a study. That’s why machines like this are made. Why they are good we are going to tell you.

Why are these algae good?

An algae bioreactor is used in several processes. In it, algae are actually developed. Normally algae come naturally in nature because this is a certain reaction, but you can also make it through that algae bioreactor yourself. Normally when you have algae somewhere you quickly remove it because it is known as something that is not good, but algae is sometimes good anyway.

The thing is that this kind of slightly different kind of algae than what you normally have in the water for example. This process is all about using those algae to purify wastewater. It is a solution that is also good for the environment. It took a lot of knowledge and research to come to this knowledge to build an algae bioreactor. It is designed so that it is possible for anyone to develop algae, it is that easy.

Who are we?

They are a company that has specialized in this to develop algae in a way that is and is not expensive and does not take a lot of labor. In other words they have developed something with an eye on the future for this. Since there is a lot of automation, there is little need for devices that cost a lot of manpower. This is also what they have thought about with this project.

They have also considered the environment in this. They insist on performing the processes as environmentally friendly as possible. It is often the case that these kinds of devices then work very well, just not for the environment. They think that is a waste and so they have thought about it. The company started in the Netherlands, but has now grown into an international company. They are very proud of this because it is such a good concept and it is better for the world if this is done everywhere.

They believe that algae are the answer to the biggest developments in the world. This could be in a lot of areas. They are becoming a dominant source for an environmentally friendly environment in the world. The only thing that is held back is that the investment in this costs a lot of money to move forward. That is mainly where the barrier lies right now, but they are still doing many studies on this. You can read more about the company Lgem here. If interested visit the page!
